retweet: RJDJ iPhone app. (via @tjnelsonjr)
Backing up 100 jigobytes to external hd via time machine. Hoping for the best.
In reply to:@rschroed Ira Glass will tell you what a credit default swap is.
Road construction on UW campus held up my bus (amongst others') for 17 minutes. Thanks pals.
What's with all the Drupal interest lately?
In reply to:@ezmobius are you actually building skynet?
In reply to:@jbarnette Race riots won't be about hunger. They'll be about anger.
When tensions are high, all it takes is one small event at the right time/place.
I feel like we're on verge of a new wave race riots. Either way the election plays out loads of people are really fucking pissed.
Hello, DOW sub 9000. How you doing?
Bank robbers still exist. In Seattle none the less. And in a getaway inner tube! :
Pretty graph of words used in the most recent presidential 'debate'.
Uncool : uptime # => 9:58 up 3 mins, 2 users, load averages: 0.42 0.16 0.06. Thanks, iPhone/iTunes. You're the bestest. #13014
When syncing iPhone now, I have to press return/enter every half dozen songs or so. It still syncs those songs, just not in the background.
In reply to:@elisfanclub If you're bored than you're boring. ;)
iPhone sync error 13014. One pain in my ass.
It's 9:35am and I've already heard "How did this ever work?"
Awake: 7:57. Out the door: 8:13. Missed the bus by seconds. Convinced car behind bus to catch me back up to the bus. FTW
"This town is way too small to ever need the bus. So meet me at the pool that they keep unlocked all night for us."
In reply to:@aphoenix that's real nice. The people who know know. The people who don't just see random names. Nice.
I've lost focus. I'm not happy with my life. If you know me and what I want from life and the future, help me get back on course. Please.
Posted by Shane Becker on
<blockquote cite=""> <p><a href=""></a> A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century </p> <p> <strong>FEB. 20, 2066</strong>: Super Bowl C: Dallas defeats Denver 31-17. The NFL, for whatever reason, is pretty much the same as it always was. </p> </blockquote>
Hair Pool (not what you think) : :
Safari tip: go to about:blank. Bookmark it. Name bookmark " | ". Place it as your 10th in bookmark bar to indicate where CMD-9 is.
Remake of "Take on Me" with new words of what's literally happening in the video (via @jkottke)