Instagram has easy account switching. Finally.
/via @mothattack
Instagram has easy account switching. Finally.
/via @mothattack
Last night someone called the cops on me for being parked on “their” street.
This morning someone knocked on my window and told me they wanted me to leave.
Remember friends,
Set back the set backs for one more fucking day. Pick up the pieces and remember we always struggle.
♫ This is my jam:
“Slow Down”
/by @TaricaJune
@bryanl You need windshield wipers.
@tonx /nods
@tonx Agreed. Any edit would to be done pre-broadcast.
But mostly I don't really care about editing that much.
@tonx I think it's doable. Facebook and GMail both do it.
@tonx I mostly agree. I think a very short "oops typo!" window to edit could work though. 10-30 seconds.
@dnsimple Do you have any #letsencrypt features planned?
@gesa @tinokremer Thanks. Fixed it now.
My first POSSE. Finally.
I just figured out a new filter: me! That pink/red tone is the flash firing thru my finger!…
In Response to @andigalpern’s #IndieWebCamp Logo Redesign and Feedback
@andigalpern I had more than a tweet or few in response, so I wrote a blog post instead.
Posted by Shane Becker on
I published my IndieWebCamp Logo Study yesterday and posted it in the #IndieWebCamp IRC channel. And asked for feedback in channel and on Twitter.
Crystal Beasley, the designer of the original IndieWebCamp logo, gave her approval of my redesign.
@veganstraightedge @andigalpern @t @aaronpk As the person who designed the first one, I approve!
— @CrystalDBeasley
Tantek pointed out that Andi Galpern had redesigned the IndieWebCamp logo as well some time ago. Andi re-posted it to Twitter along with some feedback of mine.
Below is my response to Andi’s feedback on my redesign, as well as feedback on her redesign.
Andi tweeted:
@veganstraightedge I really like your treatment of the “W”. I also like how you explained your process step-by-step. :-)
— @andigalpern
Thanks! I was really happy with that too. It was one of my goals to make both keep the regular polygon geometricness while also making the forms read more like their respective letters. The W was a great success, I think. It no longer looks like a V, but still has that great triangle to it (twice even!).
Andi again:
@veganstraightedge Also, I think the word “Indie” should be emphasized instead of “web”.
— @andigalpern
I respectfully disagree. Lots of things are quoteunquote indie that we as the Indie Web don’t have much in common with.
#indieauth (while also the name of our authentication startegy) is about book self-publishers. #indiebeer is beer makers. Indie Rock is just an aesthetic, having nothing to do with an ethos anymore (if it ever did). #indiegame is video games (mostly published to very closed platforms) built by one or a few people. is a slight twist on venture capital investment. Not to mention whatever that mess is over at which is emphatically not indieweb.
I believe that the communities and ethos that we (the Indie Web) have the most in common with are other web communites. Bloggers, open web, web standards. Folks like that who are most of the way there already. Getting a blogger to be indieweb is a matter adding rel-me to some links and owning a domain (not a sub-domain). That’s a pretty low barrier to entry. Whereas getting any kind of affinity with, say, an indie rock band or an indie game developer is a bigger hurdle to clear.
For our purposes, all of the indie in the world doesn’t matter without the web.
@veganstraightedge would you consider making the “i” thinner? IMO, It’s a bit too wide.
— @andigalpern
Again, respectfully, no. I understand the logics of making it thinner to make it more like an I. But the trade-offs that come with that direction aren’t worth it to me.
Those trade-offs, as I see them are:
I remembered that someone had posted in the #IndieWebCamp IRC channel a logo redesign/refinement some months ago. Tantek reminded me that it was Andi Galpern.
For comparison, I’ve included the current IndieWebCamp logo.
I also took a stab at redesigning the @indiewebcamp logo.
— @andigalpern
I’ve included the image here. (The image is a little bit JPEGy because of Twitter’s heavy image compression. If I get a higher quality copy from Andi, I’ll replace this one.)
I think Andi’s is definitely an improvement of Crystal’s original, but it doesn’t go far enough.
Here are the things I like about Andi’s:
Holding my own logo redesign up to the same criteria, here’s how I think I did (obvious bias):
Given all of that, and my obvious bias, I stand behind my logo redesign and would ask the IndieWebCamp community to approve and adopt it (using it on the wiki, at events, for stickers, tshirts, badges, banners, buttons, etc).
I just applied to this job by basically saying “I live in the same van as the dude in the banner photo”.
Applying for jobs sucks so much. Each expects you to put a ton of work into just the application. But they’ll send a form rejection letter.
@builtinla Your checkboxes are acting like radio buttons. Only allows me to check one.
@janaboruta @hashicorp That @kneath knid does pretty alright.
RT @twitter: Twitter is about to go offline. See you soon!
@janaboruta @hashicorp That’s a good looking sticker pack. 👍🏻
@rhiaro This post would be a great opportunity to use h-recipe. ;)
Dear @Twitter,
Please cool it with the modals already.
What Safari extensions block Promoted Tweets™? #lazyweb