@aphoenix what's with today today?
In reply to:
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>This year the universe has worked it out that I'm getting for christmas (if you're into that kind of thing) a new roommate who is an old roommate. It's Gary!</p> <p>I've been trying to get him to leave Salt Lake City for like ever. I'm so super happy that it's finally worked out that way. I also have another roomie moving in who is a total stranger that I met on craigslist. She seems pretty awesome. Her name is Leah. She's vegan, into bikes and likes my dog. Triple word score.</p> <p>Whose house? Run's House.</p>
In reply to:@drbrain out of context, that was a hilarious tweet.
In reply to:@n8duke (soy) milk it.
sprinting on capes & tights with john barnette language.
@andykbrenna on the mac there's an app called twitterific. i imagine there's something like it on the pc, too.
@andykbrennan http://tinyurl.com/28lntq that's your "you + friends" tweet stream. subscribe to that.
@andykbrenna http://tinyurl.com/28lntq that's your "you + friends" tweet stream. subscribe to that.
In reply to:@tweetgift @jbarnette for joining me on capes & tights, bro.
In reply to:@brentsimmons good job infecting.
it's weird when the song that's playing in itunes from a file has cd skips in it. forever.
In reply to:@steffROCK and looks like dogfood too.
In reply to:@jbarnette it's all part of jebus' plan
In reply to:@jbarnette you've got the fever
In reply to:@elisfanclub i got my ER in the mail a few days ago. stoked. haven't heard about new kunstler joint. will investigate. ...don't die.
In reply to:@drbrain what code?
In reply to:@simplebits Please don't leave me to remain In the waiting room.
In reply to:@drbrain awesome!
new crimethinc booke (expect resistance) showed up in the mail yesterday. a novel. a field guide. a novel field guide. 3 books in one. dope
came in late to work today. staying late to compensate.
In reply to:@tjnelsonjr that would be one epic trip.
every time i fly i remember i don't like flying.
Gas in indiana: 2.79
Its snowing crazy hard in seattle as i'm about take off. I hope its still when i get back.
flying to indy today for 5 days. avoiding the actual holidays / holiday travel crowds/costs.