1. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/2074626832/" title="Safari 3 gets feed subscription totally right. by veganstraightedge, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2211/2074626832_f868994d65_o.png" alt="Safari 3 gets feed subscription totally right."></a>
      When you click on the blue <abbr title="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr> button in the <abbr title="Uniform Resource Locator">URL</abbr> bar and there is more than one option you're presented with a little drop down menu to choose which feed and which format. Nice! It used to just give you the first one by default. This is just one of the dozens of little things better in Mac OS X Leopard.

    Just landed. No baggage to claim. Plane only half full. Got a window seat with no one next to me. And steff is picking me up. Altogether ...

    Just landed. No baggage to claim. Plane only half full. Got a window seat with no one next to me. And steff is picking me up. Altogether ...

    <p>Why 54 days later? Because, I'm lazy? Also, because I couldn't find my xD card reader.</p>
    <p>I have a bad habit of waiting too long after some event to write about it. By the time I get around to it details have been lost and impact and waned. I apologize for the brevity of this recount and lack of detail.</p>
    <p style="text-align:center;">
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/1976293149/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2287/1976293149_408eabf1b4.jpg" alt="paper hearts hanging from the ceiling on my birthday. put up by emily, they tell a story 579 pieces. 1 for each day he had been together."></a>
    <p>When I woke up I found 579 paper hearts hanging from the ceiling. Each one had a number on one side and a word on the other. Put them together in order and it told a little story. I won't share it here as it was a little private, but believe me it was very sweet. (P.S. cutting down and organizing/ordering 597 hearts took for.ev.er.) Also, she had gotten me bagels and flowers.</p>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/1976346155/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2008/1976346155_c99b14a932_t.jpg" alt="paper hearts hanging from the ceiling on my birthday. put up by emily, they tell a story 579 pieces. 1 for each day he had been together."></a>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/1976286133/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2247/1976286133_d8eb9dcc29_t.jpg" alt="paper hearts hanging from the ceiling on my birthday. put up by emily, they tell a story 579 pieces. 1 for each day he had been together."></a>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/1977209932/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2407/1977209932_62ff2df860_t.jpg" alt="paper hearts hanging from the ceiling on my birthday. put up by emily, they tell a story 579 pieces. 1 for each day he had been together."></a>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/1977222302/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2105/1977222302_2148c6c340_t.jpg" alt="paper hearts hanging from the ceiling on my birthday. put up by emily, they tell a story 579 pieces. 1 for each day he had been together."></a>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/1976323121/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2386/1976323121_b0c586ecca_t.jpg" alt="paper hearts hanging from the ceiling on my birthday. put up by emily, they tell a story 579 pieces. 1 for each day he had been together."></a>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/1976340767/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2021/1976340767_0872d6be19_t.jpg" alt="paper hearts hanging from the ceiling on my birthday. put up by emily, they tell a story 579 pieces. 1 for each day he had been together."></a>
    <p>I put in a few hours at <a href="http://thedreamingcomics.com/">the Dreaming</a> (the comic shop that I help out at now and again). Emily picked me from the Dreaming in the afternoon. Then we went to see <a href="http://us.imdb.com/title/tt0829482/">Superbad</a>. Afterward we went back home where she had set up a little buffet of awesomely awesome foods; a little bit from each of our favourite resturants here in Seattle.</p>
    <p>Mac and cheese and hush puppies from <a href="http://www.hillsidequickie.com/">Hillside Quickie</a>. Philly Seitan from <a href="http://www.myspace.com/waywardcafe">Wayward Cafe</a>. Inari from <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&amp;client=safari&amp;rls=en-us&amp;um=1&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;q=HaNa,&amp;near=Seattle,+WA&amp;fb=1&amp;view=text&amp;latlng=47620146,-122320900,3309188815707800554#">HaNa</a>. <a href="http://www.odwalla.com/product1.asp?p=beverages&amp;s=flavor&amp;id=11">Mango Tango</a> and <a href="http://www.typetive.com/candyblog/item/chick_o_stick/">Chico Sticks</a>, because they rule. Apple Juice ands Hummus from <a href="http://traderjoes.com/">Trader Joe's</a>.</p>
    <p>Then to top it all off, she had gotten gift certificates to all those food places, plus a few others which I'm still using nearly two months later.</p>
    <p>Altogether, a pretty good birthday.</p>
    <p>There are <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/sets/72157603098953876/">more pictures of the hearts</a> over on flickr.</p>
    <p>I use <a href="http://www.apple.com/macosx/technology/unix.html" title="Apple - Mac OS X Leopard - Technology - UNIX">the standard shell</a> in <a href="http://www.apple.com/macosx/" title="Apple - Mac OS X Leopard">OS X</a> which is <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash" title="Bash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia">bash</a>. A while back I learned about aliases and got hooked. Now I have <a href="http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php#alias" title="BASH Help - A Bash Tutorial">bash aliases</a> all over my workflow.</p>
    <p>Some are specific to my work or projects, though most are not. I'm sure some of these could be a little better here and there, but I'm pretty happy with the state of things.</p>
    <p>If you have any good ones that I would like send them over in the comments.</p>
    <p>So without further Apu, here is my .bash_login contents.</p>
    <pre><span class="source source_shell"><span class="comment comment_line comment_line_number-sign comment_line_number-sign_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_comment punctuation_definition_comment_shell">#</span> path and shell vars
    </span>  <span class="storage storage_modifier storage_modifier_shell">export</span> PATH=<span class="string string_quoted string_quoted_double string_quoted_double_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_begin punctuation_definition_string_begin_shell">"</span>/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:<span class="variable variable_other variable_other_normal variable_other_normal_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_variable punctuation_definition_variable_shell">$</span>PATH</span><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_end punctuation_definition_string_end_shell">"</span></span>
    <span class="storage storage_modifier storage_modifier_shell">export</span> P4CONFIG=.p4config
    <span class="storage storage_modifier storage_modifier_shell">export</span> SVN_EDITOR=<span class="string string_quoted string_quoted_double string_quoted_double_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_begin punctuation_definition_string_begin_shell">"</span>mate -w<span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_end punctuation_definition_string_end_shell">"</span></span>
    <span class="comment comment_line comment_line_number-sign comment_line_number-sign_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_comment punctuation_definition_comment_shell">#</span> unix navigating   </span>  alias home=<span class="string string_quoted string_quoted_double string_quoted_double_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_begin punctuation_definition_string_begin_shell">"</span>cd ~<span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_end punctuation_definition_string_end_shell">"</span></span>   alias la=<span class="string string_quoted string_quoted_single string_quoted_single_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_begin punctuation_definition_string_begin_shell">'</span>ls -la<span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_end punctuation_definition_string_end_shell">'</span></span>   alias ll=<span class="string string_quoted string_quoted_single string_quoted_single_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_begin punctuation_definition_string_begin_shell">'</span>ls -l<span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_end punctuation_definition_string_end_shell">'</span></span>   alias ..=<span class="string string_quoted string_quoted_single string_quoted_single_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_begin punctuation_definition_string_begin_shell">'</span>cd ..<span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_end punctuation_definition_string_end_shell">'</span></span>   alias ...=<span class="string string_quoted string_quoted_single string_quoted_single_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_begin punctuation_definition_string_begin_shell">'</span>cd ../..<span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_end punctuation_definition_string_end_shell">'</span></span>   alias o=<span class="string string_quoted string_quoted_single string_quoted_single_shell"><span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_begin punctuation_definition_string_begin_shell">'</span>open .<span class="punctuation punctuation_definition punctuation_definition_string punctuation_definition_string_end punctuation_definition_string_end_shell">'</span></span>

    # rails alias ss=’./script/server’ alias sse=’./script/server -e live’ alias mig=’./script/generate migration’ alias gen=’./script/generate ’ alias scaf=’./script/generate scaffold_resource’ alias con=’./script/console’ alias mod=’./script/generate model’ alias cont=’./script/generate controller’ alias dbm=’rake db:migrate’ alias cl=’rake log:clear’ alias ann=’rake annotate_models’ alias fix=’rake db:fixtures:load’ alias nuke=’rake app:db:nuke’

    # misc alias sgi=’sudo gem install’ alias c=”cheat” alias mydb=’mysqladmin -u root create’ alias a=’autotest’ alias comics=’ruby /Users/s/scripts/the_dreaming/new_comics.rb’

    # adready alias live=’rake live:data:update’ alias dbml=’rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=live’ alias adready=’sup; rake db:remigrate; rake db:remigrate RAILS_ENV=live; dbm; rake db:test:prepare; live’

    # merb alias mmig=’./script/new_migration’

    # textmate alias sub=”mate app config db public test spec” alias subb=”mate app config test spec” alias app=”mate app public test” alias m=”mate” alias e=’mate . &’ alias table=”ruby ~/scripts/table_maker.rb”

    # bash profile alias ebash=’mate ~/.bash_login &’ alias rbash=’source ~/.bash_login’

    # go to my projects alias work=”cd ~/work” alias ven=”cd ~/work/vendo” alias vent=”cd ~/work/vendo/trunk” alias w3=”cd ~/work/vendo/branches/wave_3” alias w3=”cd ~/work/vendo/branches/wave_4”

    # git alias gpl=”git pull”

    # svn alias sst=’svn st’ alias sci=’svn ci’ alias scim=’svn ci -m’ alias sad=’svn status | grep β€œ^\?” | awk β€œ{print $2}” | xargs svn add’ alias sup=”svn up” alias srm=”svn rm”
