Listening to MxPx like I'm 15. Reading about HTML(5) like I'm 15.
Travel time to major cities: A global map of Accessibility : (via @jkottke)
For dinner: Nachos w/ guacamole, salsa, spicy chili con carne y queso. Get into it.
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>My blog is not turning into a photoblog. I promise. I am doing a <a href="" title="Self Portrait 365 - a set on Flickr">self portrait project</a> this year, so there will be a steady flow of pictures of me. But I will continue to post other stuff. I have a post in the works right now that's really exciting to me. I've been meaning to write it for years. So this is all to say (to all 3 of your that read this), if you don't want just photos of my mug, don't worry. Please do stick around. That is all.</p>
Picasa for Mac's release yesterday seems suspect now that iPhoto 09 came out today. Someone was tipped off.