sending pictures from phone to tmobile (gross) just to re-download then upload to flickr. unfortunately, a bunch are 176x132. boo.
Going to get emulsion for peepcode screens. The pink is pretty.
packing for hitchhiking to comiccon
In reply to:@hasmanyjosh check out "The Escapist" next.
Going to get popsickles. Summer time!
In reply to:@elisfanclub could you take me and civ too?
In reply to:@elisfanclub which park?
In reply to:@topfunky
In reply to:@evanphx choo choo!
getting on the twitter trains for reals now
Works from my phone
making tofu scrambler
Cleaning up address book
internet comic database. something like a quarter million records in some tables. 1 million plus in another. sheesh!
resource based rails coding