“Final” solid black and solid color versions of #indiewebcamp logo study. https://www.instagram.com/p/BBRrnBmsnmK/
“Final” black and white versions of #indiewebcamp logo study. https://www.instagram.com/p/BBRra02snmB/
#indiewebcamp logo study iterations.
Full write up coming soon. @ Griffith Observatory https://www.instagram.com/p/BBRDYWHsnmN/
In reply to:@boingboing http://boingboing.net/2016/02/01/30-more-life-hacks-debunked.html
by @frauenfelder
“Where Your Elements Came From”
Dear @BoingBoing,
@mental_floss *tested* 30 life hacks and only debunked some of them.
More accurate headline:
“30 more life hacks tested”In reply to:@eywu Oh yeah. Screwflow. Forgot what that app was called.
In reply to:@eywu Mac App Store listing makes it seem like it’s only for GIF from videos. Can I make a GIF from a series of images?
In reply to:I want to make a gif of all the iterations of this logo design.
What're folks using for these days?
In reply to:@danielpunkass NSPolitics
Sketching up a refinement of the #indiewebcamp logo. Pretty happy with my progress so far. @… https://www.instagram.com/p/BBOkjOksnpk/
In reply to:@zeldman @CoxWouter Mine too. And I still use a lot of the XMLiness of those days. Just without the pomp and dogma.
In reply to:@jlsuttles but everyone knows that that's Wabi.
$400: @safecast bGeigie Nano radiation meter kit. (Requires soldering). Brand new. Never used.… https://www.instagram.com/p/BBMJjMjsnp5/
Here's @zeldman's handwritten apology about XHTML. @ Beverly Hills, California https://www.instagram.com/p/BBMJD1PsnpM/