@tonyxprice @starwars perfect timing of age and trilogy start
In reply to:In reply to:
@danielpunkass it's a sci-fi marathon.
I use @backblaze for offsite backups.
You should too.http://backblaze.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8ae288bba74af4b3d6bed2b0c&id=eef82a9544&e=77ebc28bb4
Re: Trump.
“Everybody Was Joking About Putin, Too”
— Pussy Riot
In reply to:@tenderlove crowd source it
In reply to:@jamie_gaskins error
In reply to:@UrbanTurnip Gross
Ghost streets of LA.
/via @kottke
In reply to:@kraykray Field roast. And coconut milk nog.
Anyone who argues that there's no "no reasonable expectation of privacy" over emails should publicly dump all of their email ever.
In reply to:@chadfowler wizard!
RT @simonefiasco: Y'all wanna see a deer whoop somebody's ass? http://t.co/ilaRb5GsPA
I mean, why has anyone been eating Taco Bell all this time anyhow? That place is a disgusting shit show.
In reply to:@jlsuttles A. Maze. Ing.
In reply to:@kylewmahan I actually *just* got it sorted out. Thanks though.