Posts tagged larubyconf
#larubyconf elsewhere: Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, Vine.
RT @lanyrdalert: Write-up, Slides and Video from "Quit Your Job. Srsly." by @veganstraightedge #larubyconf
RT @jeffrafter: Some exceedingly good talks yesterday at #larubyconf; but @veganstraightedge took the day.
Last night I blogged my slides β "LA Ruby Conf 2012 : Quit Your Job. Srsly." #larubyconf
New blog post β "LA Ruby Conf 2012 : Quit Your Job. Srsly." Slides : #larubyconf
I really liked how @bscofield used the device of "There was X and So and So saw it and it was good" yesterday at #larubyconf.
@brixen My #larubyconf talk was built with impress.js. I'll post it up in the next couple of days.
If you saw my #larubyconf talk and have decided to quit your job, please email me about that.
And... I just got my first email from someone who decided to quit their job after my #larubyconf talk. Success.
I just gave my #larubyconf talk: Quit Your Job. Srsly. I'm happy with the result. And now I'm completely emotionally exhausted.
Thank you for all the kind words about my #larubyconf talk. I'm really happy with how it turned out. It was an honor to share it with you.
Dear conference speakers, Look at the audience, not at the screen. Please. XOXO SB #larubyconf
At #larubyconf. @objo is up first. His slides look real good. At least the top half of them. JOE!
@kobier @jrfent @larubyconf The #larubyconf schedule is off by two hours too early. Please fix.
Drawing geometry for my #larubyconf slides. @ The Farmhouse
RT @larubyconf: We are happy to announce @veganstraightedge will be presenting "Quit Your Job. Srsly." at #larubyconf
RT @larubyconf: We are happy to announce @steveklabnik will be presenting "Designing Hypermedia APIs" at #larubyconf
LA RubyConf talk proposal submitted : #larubyconf
RT @kobier: Spent some good time discussion and planning #larubyconf while at #rubyconf and #jrubyconf - date: 2/6/09, place: burbank, ca