Posts tagged OAK2STL

#OAK2STL elsewhere: Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, Vine.

  1. A lot of people are boxed in on all sides by cops on the 580 in #OAK2STL.

  2. RT @OaklandElle: CHP Officer with no name and no number on the Lakeshore offramp. #OAK2STL

  3. Some of #OAK2STL has crossed the center barricade on 580.

  4. #OAK2STL Stand off on the 580.

  5. #OAK2STL on the 580. Stand off with the cops while intertwangled in stopped traffic still.

  6. It looks like #OAK2STL has made it onto the highway going against oncoming traffic (which is all stopped).

  7. I'm watching #OAK2STL live aerial footage right now.