Posts tagged readThis
#readThis elsewhere: Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, Vine.
Fun while it lasted | | Peak Oil News Clearinghouse
Translated version of
Lessons for California and the U.S. from movie "How Cuba survived Peak Oil" | | Peak Oil News Clearinghouse
In search of the One True Layout
Interactivist Info Exchange | Dave Segal, "Hey You! Stop!"
Identity Production in a Networked Culture: Why Youth Heart MySpace
Fall Down Six Times
Seed: Doomsday Scenarios
The Morning News - In Praise of Loopholes, by Matthew Baldwin
Life without numbers in a unique Amazon tribe. Piraha apparently can't learn to count and have no distinct words for colors.
self-replicating robots
The Crafter Culture Handbook
DIY: The Rise of Lo-Fi Culture
- An Island to Oneself: Six Years on a Desert Island: Books: Tom Neale,Noel Barber
Regular Expression Examples
tag the real world
NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
Alan Cox on writing better software
How To Write Unmaintainable Code
The Rise of 'Worse is Better'
Producing Open Source Software
How to be a Programmer
The Flickrization of Yahoo
Live Simple: Radical tactics to reduce the complexity, costs, and clutter of your life