leah: maybe you should blow your nose. it will help stop the sneezing. me: SNEEZE! i do. i have a bandana full of snot if you want the proof
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p><img src="http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/6164/funnysign2li6.jpg" alt="NO PERSON SHALL, ON A FRIDAY, SATURDAY OR SUNDAY THE DAY PRECEDING A PUBLIC HOLIDAY, DRIVE OR CAUSE TO BE DRIVEN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6 P.M. AND MIDNIGHT. A MOTOR VEHICLE WHICH EXCEEDS 10.5 M IN LENGTH IN ALL MAIN ROADS"></p> <blockquote><p>NO PERSON SHALL, ON A FRIDAY, SATURDAY OR SUNDAY THE DAY PRECEDING A PUBLIC HOLIDAY, DRIVE OR CAUSE TO BE DRIVEN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6 P.M. AND MIDNIGHT. A MOTOR VEHICLE WHICH EXCEEDS 10.5 M IN LENGTH IN ALL MAIN ROADS</p></blockquote> <p><a href="http://theuglyquip.livejournal.com/">Leah</a> found this while doing home work research. No, seriously. Home work research.</p> <p><a href="http://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/">Tufte</a> would have a serious field day with this one. <a href="http://daringfireball.net/">Gruber</a> prolly would, too.</p>
In reply to:@bookis it went onto me!
In reply to:@evanphx seriously! how can you say no to that?
apparently, i'm back on the market: http://theuglyquip.livejournal.com/49339.html