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@worstdukeever there's nothing to think about. of course, i wanna come watch.
@worstdukeever there's nothing to think about. of course, i wanna come watch.
@worstdukeever i would say juno was as perfect as a movie could be. only about two minutes in the middle were unnecessarily awkward. not bad
@brentsimmons i think it came from the sky. at least, that's what an internet snow rumour site said.
Posted by Shane Becker on
<blockquote cite=""><p>Doctor asked me what I use for birth control. I should have told her that my husband takes photos of bad quotation marks. That's all I need.</p></blockquote>
<p>-<a href="">Amy Jane Gruber</a></p>
<p>PS. Her husband in question her is <a href="">John Gruber</a>.</p>
me: see? my nose is empty now. oh wait, a little blood came out that time. should i worry about that? leah: i did it too. you're not alone.