Posts tagged geek
#geek elsewhere: Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, Vine.
google still ‘not being evil’
My Life, 5000 Tweets Later
Unused LA Ruby Conf Shirt Design Mock
Mark Pilgrim on The Setup
Fraser Speirs on The Real Work
Wanted: Rails Developer for Activity Stream web app
A Social Network Etiquette Proposal
Obsession Times Voice
"I'm blogging this" No, you're not.
ASCII Art Star Wars: A New Hope
Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it
I now have 500 comics
History of the Internet
An experiment in reading comics on screen
The Unfinished Swan - Tech Demo 9/2008
A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century - Esquire
Star Wars Influence Map
flickr fail whale
Or A Snake
Hacky fix for @rands in (Add Row Above / Add Row Below)
Default Logins and Passwords for Networked Devices
The Machine That Changed the World: The World at Your Fingertips -
Preparing to empty the Trash...
A better post template for MarsEdit
Inbox Zero... and Then Some
Jedi Gym
Flickr Embiggens
Making the Invisible Visible
This is better than this
I love this as a color palette. I'll use it on a project some day.
Transatlantic Submarine Cables Reaching Land
Betabrite Autotest
new zealand middle earth postmark
Helvetica of the serif world?
Awesome Lessons
The Top 10 weirdest keyboards ever
Very un-Apple like error message
Oh, typography nerds and their respective partners
What decade is this?
Test::Unit Output is kind of... ugh.
A Pretty Good Bus Ride
On old projects and revisiting them...
Rands nails it... or Intelectual Property is Theft, too.
Subscribing to feeds from Safari 3
What is the location of the mysql socket when you install from MacPorts?
Mac OS X Dashboard Widget's Translation from Japanese to... English
The New Hottness.
bash aliases
10 Fonts that I hate EVEN MORE than I hate Comic Sans
Compare the trailer to the first four minutes of The Kingdom movie
Tanks, tanks, tanks. Bombs, bombs, bombs.
mdbtools bus error
Twittering from the road on my way to ComicCon
wil, you're a bit wrong. sorry.
I’m taking the plunge
On getting suckered. By a fanboy, nonetheless.
railsconf 2007 in portland, part one
i’ve been called a lot of names before…
a funny thing happened on the way to bed last night
Better css_graph
RDoc document icons
A New Sith, or Revenge of the Hope
First Things First, Next Things… Wii?
Dr. Hammond, the phones are working.
everything burns bright when its new
Reworked tagmaker script
Social networks of the future? Look no further than…
Measurement Microformat
hey, where’d you take that photo?
gmail help straight dissing me
Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory
Zero Hour was a lame DC Comics Crisis event
what websites sound like
sketchy business
Obfuscated email address
blockquote and cite example : use this
The nest architecture of the Florida harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius
tidy safari
I am Jack’s LEGO collection
websites as graphs :
Mongrel: Home
Barcode Server
Black Box Parsing
All The Quickies
join the resistance. fall in love.
funny things heard over at svn
Dock on Top
Widescreen Mockup
the simpsons are going home!
i must’ve seen a thousand faces
apple, apparently, does think different. even about math.
…barring the collapse of civilization as we know it.
site downage
consumating our menage a network / nerd a trois
all of my online presences
2006 predictions
new years re(v)olutions
don’t you fucking get it?
i’m even lazier than that
Alan Cox on writing better software
How To Write Unmaintainable Code
The Rise of 'Worse is Better'
Producing Open Source Software
How to be a Programmer
things always get worse before they get better
invasion of the miniature
Alan Kay's Etech 2003 Presentation
The Complete Concise History of GNU/Linux
here i come to save the day!
for my birthday, i want to have manatee as a friend
hilarious hilariousness
we are warriors. the great exploriers.
i got a job.
i sold out
i’m applying for a job.
comiccon here i come.
really, REALLY, annoying netnewswire bug
sw:e3:rots - not another review
Discipline, Simplicity, and Feedback in System Administration
… of mercury and ligatures
quicksilver helps me find my girlfriend
Trent Reznor Rules
ranchero netnewswire downloads issue
can this be done in marsedit?
KELLY. this is for you.
advance dungeons and dragons (ad&d)
comment spam, comment spam, rolly polly comment spam
cool quicktime 7 feature
movies i’ve seen recently
blog upgrade and redesign
lazy web experiment
new analogy
Ootips - Object Orientation Tips
Getting Over Bad Habits
How to Write Maintainable Code
Aesthetics of Debugging
Configuring GnuPG
Markup Languages Index
Robs Rubix Repair
Pair Programming, an Extreme Programming practice
magnets. strong, strong magnets.
Jargon - The New Hacker's Dictionary
The Tao Of Programming
Programming is an art
Hackers and Painters
Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science
How Stuff Works
- archive
Watson Status
no. software. patents.
gmail pop
feedburner feed
we are winning
Project: Open Software Update
software update for non apple products
new software in the mix
atom protocol
soviet union’s response to U.S. ’star wars’
i’m not dead.
i love you, secret admirer
ipod video, no thanks
bloggercon ITconversations archive
gmail goes pop
ipod socks
revenge of the sith
the lib freq
first VoIP call
i’m an mp3, apparently
comparing opensource software development to global guerrilla warfare tactics
Global Guerrillas
ThumbScrew for photo thumbnails
oreilly mac os x conference
spirited away updated
geek tattoos
A decade on the Web with Netscape
Spirited Away.
link my squad, skinny
Mosaic + SGI + Hubble + Alias|Wavefront
the wonderful world of pgp
apparently, amazon still owns the patent to impulse shopping
currently reading