<p>kids call it the ten con. or at least, THIS kid does.</p>

<p><img src="http://conferences.oreillynet.com/images/macosx2003/macosxcon_logo.gif" alt="tencon logo"></p>

<p>i went on tuesday. sat in on a few talks.</p>

<p><a href="http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2004/view/e_sess/5685">how to run your own software business</a>, [which was covered in a <a href="http://www.niallkennedy.com/blog/archives/2004/10/how_to_run_your.html">good write up here</a> and even an <a href="http://www.niallkennedy.com/blog/audio/osxbusinesspanel.mp3">audio version here</a> (44.1mb mp3)]


xgrid, [presentation files downloadable from oreilly's site] [it's fun to think about building superclusters so easily...].

<p>lunch was good [and good for vegans like me] : burrito fixins. they separated the meat-stuffs from the veg-stuffs. thanks, oreilly. you're the best!</p>

<p>did lots of hanging out with / meeting other geeks. met <a href="http://www.markokarppinen.com/">marko</a> from finland, he's a good guy. <a href="http://inessential.com/">brent</a> <a href="http://ranchero.com/">simmons</a> whose two products (<a href="http://ranchero.com/netnewswire/beta.php">NetNewsWire</a> and <a href="http://ranchero.com/marsedit/">MarsEdit</a>) i use everyday and i love them both. <a href="http://bignerdranch.com/classes/instructors.shtml#ahillegass">aaron</a> whose <a href="http://bignerdranch.com/products/cocoa1.shtml">book i'm reading</a> and really digging. and, yes, he was wearing the cowboy hat. i would love to be able to take <a href="http://bignerdranch.com/classes/cocoa1.shtml">his class</a> at <a href="http://bignerdranch.com/">the ranch</a>, but, alas, it's $3500 that i don't have. so i'll stick with the book. he was so nice and empathetic. i think he would make for a good teacher. i'm disappointed that i wasn't able to make it today to see his talk on <a href="http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2004/view/e_sess/5828">Best Practices for Cocoa Programmers</a>. also, i missed out on brent's talk about <a href="http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2004/view/e_sess/5721">using webkit : user interface challenges</a>. i'd also liked to see <a href="http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/macosx2004/view/e_sess/5719">Test Driven Objective-C Development</a>, too.</p>

<p>but the real star of the show, i think, was <a href="http://delicious-monster.com/">Delicious Library</a> made by Delicious Monster, a small company recently formed by <a href="http://delicious-monster.com/company.php">Will Shipley (founder of the OmniGroup) and Mike Mata</a> (18 year old designer who worked for OMNI since he was 15 - not bad). there's enough buzz about this app already. i don't need to recap it all. but it's hott. with two T's. this thing is gonna blow the F up. just you wait and see. <a href="http://weblog.karelia.com/MacOSX/DeliciousLibrary.html">i'm not the only who thinks so either.</a></p>

<p><img src="http://delicious-monster.com/downloads/LibraryHighRes.png" alt="delicious library icon" width="400"></p>