Posted by Shane Becker on
<dt><a href="">sorry everybody</a></dt>
<dd>liberals in america apologize to the rest of the world.</dd>
<dt><a href="">mathworld answers to Google Labs Aptitude Test</a></dt>
<dd>how to go about solving the math questions on the <a href="">GLAT</a>
</dd> </dl>
<p><strong>for the <a href="">roomie's</a> election fraud research.</strong></p>
<dt><a href="">the</a></dt>
<dd>dick morris's on exit polls.</dd>
<dt><a href="">lawrence lessig</a></dt>
<dd> <a href="">creative commons</a> creator on exit poll data</dd>
<dt><a href="">red and blue maps</a></dt>
<dd>a collection of those 'how the country voted' maps</dd>
<dt><a href="">how to save the world</a></dt>
<dd>Dave Pollard's thoughts on exit polls and vote counts</dd>
<dt><a href="">state by state exit polls</a></dt>
<dd>broken down by state and network.</dd>