I’ve never put much effort into my speaker bio when submitting a talk proposal to conferences and meetups. I usually just slap one together. Last night I wrote up this little thing. I’m open to edits, suggestions, rewrites, etc. Get wild.

Shane is still vegan, still straightedge. Starting in the Mosaic days and for over half of his life he has been making websites for fun and for profit. The shipping of Rails 1.0 and the 15 minute blog screencast initiated his love affair with Ruby. Through building websites, designing logos, tshirts and stickers he has contributed to many open source projects (Rubinius, Nokogiri, JRuby, Cloud Foundry, et al). Shane can currently be found employed by His Own Damn Self avoiding a job™ like the plague. He is concentrating on the building of two big open source web projects focused on personal data ownership striving to transform culture.