Fuzzy wallpaper. @ The Armory Club https://instagram.com/p/4Qh7jzsnpk/
Do I know anyone who knows LDAP and SAML and looking for a new job?
Asking for a friend.The customer service person that I just spoke with on the phone was in Ireland. I'm very ok with that. 😍
In reply to:@atmos OH! I didn't realize.
@atmos Are you in the GH? I am and would like to say hi if you are.
RT @okayjeffrey: So I did this today! Thanks @veganstraightedge @mofo37 for letting me paint your new home!… https://instagram.com/p/4P4Q24xObT/
Collaboration > Meritocracy @ GitHub https://instagram.com/p/4P1eiBMnuV/
Hey @github friends,
Who's in the office right now for quick pop in visit? I'm in the neighborhood.
In reply to:@JesseThorn North Shore of Oahu. I have friends who have an Airbnb spread available to rent if you want an email intro.
#LittleMisadventureTime hashtag painting in progress by @okayjeffrey. @ California Department of… https://instagram.com/p/4PfKgJsniO/
Fine. I'm wearing socks today.
You happy now?RT @NASA: Curiouser & curiouser. @NASA_Dawn sees pyramid-shaped peak & closer views of spots on #Ceres: http://go.nasa.gov/1GiaUE0 http://t.co/…
“The Ballroom Blitz 1973” by Sweet is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/veganstraightedge/_a6z32qa
SF, what are these fireworks that are currently going off?
A squiggly tree and a @mofo37. @ Golden Gate Park(9th&Lincoln) https://instagram.com/p/4NuFRLsngE/