RT @DIRECTV_Carmen: @veganstraightedge Why did you cancel with them ?
In reply to:
@directv_carmen Don't be a creep, Carmen.
The LA Sanitation website is …not great, BUT they do have the customer support phone number front and center!
In reply to:I just called Time Warner Cable to cancel my service (for when The Farmhouse gets torn down) and the whole thing went swimmingly.
<4 minutesI only ever complain about phone customer support, so let me applaud one for once.
On Metadata.
In reply to:@adactio Another way of framing the Web vs CD-ROM/Flash/Native is to think of the others as leading edge tech and web as trailing edge tech.
“The web has no gatekeepers. The web has no quality control. The web is a mess. The web is for everyone.”
When you try to tell someone “Fuck off” but you accidentally type “Fuck of” instead. :(
I would really like to design a document centric / type heavy iOS app and matching website.
Anyone looking for that?
Doyers win Hardstyle! @ Dodger Stadium https://instagram.com/p/3LK9inMnlb/
Matchy matchy. @ Dodger Stadium https://instagram.com/p/3LKdFCsnk7/
Dodgers vs Braves with these kids. @ Dodger Stadium https://instagram.com/p/3K-zRoMnpG/
My neighbor is man-spreading real hard. 😕 @ Dodger Stadium https://instagram.com/p/3K-O_NMnob/
Dodgers Stadium is all about irregular hexagons. @ Dodger Stadium https://instagram.com/p/3K9Y_jsnnP/