La Grande, OR
Blue Mountain summit 4193 ft
At a View Point just east of Pendleton, OR along I-84E which is the Old Oregon Trail. No cholera, hunting, blackjack or river forging yet.
Pendleton, OR.
Wish you were here.
This beast of a van is getting 25+ miles per gallon on the highway which is pretty incredible for it's age/size/weight.
Having a shotgun riding camera man buddy named @bookis is awsome. FTW.
Tree farms are emphatically not forests.
Singing Jimmy Eat World at the top of my lungs. "If you're listening, sing it back!" Whoa oh oh oh.
Arlington, Oregon.
There hundreds of wind mills along the Columbia river.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Hood River, Oregon.
On the road again. To Salt Lake City, UT. @bookis is riding shotgun for this leg of the trip.
Last night sleeping at the Hostel (@isadance/@n8duke house). Tomrrow I'm driving to Salt Lake City.