When the Chickens Come Home to Roost : http://bit.ly/xSCQc or When the Bull Horns the Bullfighter's Nards (via @tonyxprice)
States I haven't even driven through : http://listyourlist.com/veganstraightedge/lists/360 inspired by @elisfanclub http://bit.ly/lgFgX
#Tweet_memes are like the new myspace quiz. Weak sauce. Write from your heart, not from your #hasgtag.
I need 2 small rooms painted today (Friday) in Seattle. I pay well. Interested / Got a good referral? email me : veganstraightedge@gmail.com
Today was brutal. Tomorrow will be, too. Saturday will be awesome. Head down. Power through.
Cotton candy sweet to go. Let me see your tootsie roll.
Seattle people: where can a lady get an awesome haircut in the city? Srsly.
Round 1 of trivia was The Beatles. We got 5/10. Round 2 was Games & Toys. We killed it. 13/10. Extra credit!
Crystal, @tjnelsonjr and I are team Boom Goes The Dynamite for trivia night at Georgetown Liquor Company. Get into it.
I MIGHT have left my oven on at home. I'm not near by. Anyone who is, could you check? Kthxbai.
OH: "Son... You just got sonned, son!"
In reply to:@defunkt "Popular languages" should maybe be called "Heavy languages" if you're measuring by bytes stored (weight). Popular == activity?
CSS Gradient Tool : http://tools.westciv.com/gradients Hottness.
In reply to:@joevandyk The things you own end up owning you.
I got the new @nerdmeritbadges sash and "Family Tech Support" badge today. I'm gonna wait until I get a new lappy (WWDC) to put the sash on.