Oh, business meetings. You make me feel like a grown up, instead of the kid I am.
I need to talk to you about the homepage http://vimeo.com/3718294
pb&j ftw, srsly :D
@elisfanclub is back on this continent. we talked on the phone for an hour for the first time in like 6 months. I missed that one.
@brentsimmons Are HTML entities supposed to be decoded into real letters in post titles in NetNewsWire?
@gruber and @merlinmann get fucking hilarious at about 46 minutes http://bit.ly/13o5JB paper clips and stanley kubrick
@merlinmann: "[mike arrington]'s got chunks of guys like [john gruber] in his poop"
@merlinmann's ira glass / alex bloomberg impression was hilarious. http://tinyurl.com/dhkqdt
@github stickers and nerd merit badges : http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/3385765929/
In reply to:@FUCKCITY Roger Workman. It's Work Man. http://twitpic.com/2g398 http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Roger_Linus
Super nerdy mail day: 2 Nerd Merit Badges and 10 github stickers. Pictures soon.
Also, Tilly and the Wall is back in my life. Heavy rotation.
Today is a pretty good day.
Awesome hair in 3 easy steps: 1. Don't wash it often 2. Don't ever comb it 3. When you do wash it, put a beanie on it afterward until dry.
I deleted all browsers except Safari 4 beta from my computer. Firefox, Camino, Webkit nightly, and... Opera (courtesy of CS3). Free & clear.