I am Jack's fucked up sleep schedule
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@evanphx I'm in Santiago, CHile.
The kids here make a drink that is a step up (barely) from kool-aid. Some blendered fresh fruit (singular) sugar and water. Not bad actually
puts((Date.new(2008,12,31) - Date.today).to_i.abs) #=> 38
Beginning down the path of automating my daily self portrait process. It's only taken me 38 days of doing it the hard way to get motivated.
Self Portrait 365 : Day 37 : http://tinyurl.com/c8po3c
Dog park, Shane's pasta, At The Drive In, broken spanish / broken english gets the job done.
I am Jack's jet lag induced sleep deprivation.
I'm in Santiago. Made it thru customs without any problems. Vegan cheese made it fine. With paulo and pablo. About 85f degrees. :D
"9:15 departure" is not exactly our primary objective. Apparently.
I mosied, dilly-dallied, meandered and stopped to buy two mango tangos and STILL made my connection.
I am Jack's total lack of surprise.
If I wake up in a different place and a different place, could I wake up as a different person?
On the ground in ATL. But stuck on the Tarmac. Might still miss my connection. Fingers crossed.
If we crash ok a time traveling island, I'm a tailie.