RT @n8duke : 59-car pile up. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2009/01/11/vonat.nh.59.car.pile.up.wmur 59!
Animal cuteness overload. You should prolly be sitting down for this : http://fuckyoupenguin.blogspot.com/ (via @arielwaldman)
I'm always amazed by how well Nirvana's "Nevermind" holds up. This record could come out now and still blow us all away.
Just finished designing a menu for print in HTML/CSS. That was a fun experiment. Of course, weirdness lies in widths between screen & paper.
Drunk man on the bus, see this face? It's saying "don't talk to me."
Nerd game night is over. Tanker at Risk. Totally killed at Super Mario World. Busing home to bed.
Time for some quality Super Mario World time. The best Mario game IMHO.
I went out first in Risk. How heartbreaking. But at least everyone is eating my chicken salad sandwich. There is that.
I'm playing the worst game of Risk ever. My dice have been for shit.
Anyone in Seattle wanna play Risk tonight? @reply me.
In reply to:@n8duke whoa. uh... don't catch a clam for me
In reply to:@danbenjamin new archives page looks great. i like it.
It's the weekend again already? How did that happen?
2001: Previous tweet was #2000. Whoa.
Hop Along, Queen Ansleis
Bruno is Orange
Great crown participation