@n8duke x-statix books are out of print. i've read them, but don't own them.
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Amazon Wish List :
For the love of god, Adobe, why can't you just use the standard OS X installer? Stop being clever. Pleeeeeease.
Finally finished uploading all of my videos that have been sitting around for months/years. Sheesh. http://vimeo.com/veganstraightedg
Pet peeve: people in movies that are dying of thirst then proceed to spill the water all over their face as they drink it. WTF?
Dark & Dangerous Times : http://tinyurl.com/5efw4y
Hear me now, believe me later*. Obama as president won't be the answer to our problems. No president will be. (* - stolen from @gruber)
Capitalism Kills. http://is.gd/9snT
Option + Escape in Textmate is the hottness. In html will show contextually possible tag attributes, in ruby completes reserved words. w00t!
Testing out Blogo for posting to the my web log. So far so good.
"If you can't do something smart, do something right." -Shepherd Book
Remember, remember that today is Buy Nothing Day.
Mad Max 3 was like "How can we get (more) kids into the movie?" "I know. Ewoks!" "Yeah! Oh wait... Feral desert oasis illiterate kids!" YEAH
Switches and Gauges : http://tinyurl.com/5jhot9
Beyond the Thunderdome is already FAIL. Intro music & costarring == Tina Turner.