Giving Mad Men a try. First episode seems pretty good so far. Loads of smoking. Some beautiful shots. Interesting angles.
In reply to:
@danbenjamin love the new design, but i'm surprised the hivelogic logo is an image, not text. looks good though.
In reply to:@t Las Vegas Ronald's (vegan) Donuts are totally FTW.
The Resistance Army Shirts has it's own Twitter account. If you're interested, follow @tra_shirts . Kthx.
In reply to:@bookis and I have relaunched a tshirt business of mine. We are now live on the interwebs.
In reply to:@elisfanclub amen, sister. i hate the slow group think. especially about something so trivial as where to eat.
I take that back about Time Machine not backing up MacPorts. It does that, just not gems.
In reply to:@t Ronald's Donuts in Vegas has the best vegan donuts ever. In case you were wondering.
Oh btw, Time Machine backup/restore doesn't bring along any Mac Ports or Ruby Gems. SuperDuper might have been a better answer.
In reply to:@evanphx Finally finished. Time Machine backup/restore FTW.
"Less than a minute remaining" for _several_ minutes now. C'mon.
In reply to:@bookis Tell @worstdukeever to use her own damn twitter account. Love, me.
After these messages, we'll be right back :
In reply to:@tjnelsonjr doing backup via USB 2
retweet: RJDJ iPhone app. (via @tjnelsonjr)