Paris Hilton for President? Sure. Why not?
In reply to:
@leahculver soul vegetarian (all vegan soul food on the south side. chicago diner in wrigleyville.
In reply to:@bookis believes that 'they' are going to create a black hole that will spell the end of everything for us.
I would love to get my hands on a invite. Anyone have one?
In reply to:@jbarnette no, the circus was not a metaphor. i actually went to see a small circus. i have pictures to prove it.
I just learned that "Make Boom Boom Go" is a euphemism for "going poop"
Waiting for the circus to start.
In reply to:@twinkiechan 10 million. strong. and growing.
In reply to:@danbenjamin sync with a fresh iphoto (say on a guest user), then choose delete originals from iphoto dialog. not ideal, but works.
Peanut Butter Panda Puffs, you do gnarly things to the roof of my mouth.
...and yes, i kinda felt like a creep taking that picture. Susan Storm dress
The girl in front of me on the bus is wearing a dress straight outta Susan Storm/Richards' (invisible woman from the ff) closet.
Hello Seattle Sunshine. It's nice to see you again. I missed you.