I have a crush on a girl named Kianna Alarid. But it'll never happen... She lives in Omaha. I've been down that path before.
Just because: http://bit.ly/shane
So long, Vivace, and thanks for all the shoes.
Last Seattle.rb meeting at Vivace. Attendance: 17. Not bad at all.
Despite all the battles and email noise, I actually got loads of work done today. On way to nerd party.
In reply to:@tjnelsonjr your turn
Inbox (+feeds / downloads) Zero. http://tinyurl.com/6onahz
In reply to:@rschroed do it: http://fffff.at/inbox-victory/
In reply to:@aphoenix i'm such a sucker for that show. if you haven't finished it by comiccon, i'll bro down on it with you.
CTO and I just had a minor victory over Trac : accesskey='s' on the submit button. We lost the battle over accesskey='l' on login though.
Just noticed my zipper was down, presumably since I left my house. Oops.
On the bus running late to work. Hello Monday.
In reply to:@elisfanclub i say wikee-pedia, not wika-pedia
Thanks to @factoryjoe, i have a legaltorrents.com account and with it 15 invites. Lemme know if you want one.
In reply to:@factoryjoe i'd like to give legaltorrents a try : veganstraightedge@gmail.com