@rschroed thanks, though. @evanphx & @aphoenix were able to come thru in the clutch for me. i've pulled something together now.
In reply to:In reply to:
@n8duke THAT girl would be the girl of my dreams. her: "i've got the new issue of new avengers. have you seen it?" me: "no, but i love you."
In reply to:@tjnelsonjr I'm still looking for one myself. If you find two...
In reply to:@bookis its fancy dress 'em up. not sporty splash about. focus!
In reply to:@elisfanclub that is likely part of it. but i want more than just dinner.
Any suggestions for last minute dress up fancy date plans for tomorrow night in Seattle? HALP!
Just to be clear. I asked specifically if she wanted to go on a "dressed up fancy date".
Hot date scheduling mishap: sorted. Rescheduled for tomorrow night. Ante: upped. Now need dress up fancy date plans for 30 hours from now!
In reply to:@rands ...like post to instapaper|del.icio.us|blog|fffound. zap colors|images|css. and xray (http://westciv.com/xray/)
In reply to:@rands in safari CMD-1...9 fire the first 9 bookmarks in the bar. my 1st 3: 1 work tickets, 2 blog, 3 localhost:3000. 4-9: dev bookmarklets
In reply to:@bookis it happened last night.
Getting stood up by hott date is not cool.
I'm tired. Why don't I just go to sleep instead of opening my feed reader?
In reply to:@bookis it's an old reference to a skit from the state. "Chicken Sandwich, Karl!"
In reply to:@steffROCK at least your t-shirt was on.