Kinda cool:
In reply to:
@rands well played, ol' chap. well played.
You know what I don't love: Parallels.
In reply to:@brentsimmons +1 is not registered. someone please do something super awesome with this.
Listening to Nevermind by Nirvana. God Damn! This record is so flipping great.
Exhausted and happy the week is over. UNhappy the weather is gross and rainy. I got some inari to consul myself.
In reply to:@rands one.
In reply to:@tjnelsonjr re: spring loaded folders: yay.
In reply to:@tjnelsonjr nice!
In reply to:@steffROCK i've got evidence to the contrary
In the dream last night was Bridgette McDaniels, my first real crush from elementary school. I'd love to see what she's like these days.
Last night's dream: co-workers, friends (bks, etc) and grown-up versions of grade school friends and i were at a school but not "in school".
@machisma You reminded me that I really love One Reason and I've been listening to them all day.
In reply to:@steffROCK what's the verdict?