Leaving slc airport now
@jbarnette no promises.
Just landed. No baggage to claim. Plane only half full. Got a window seat with no one next to me. And steff is picking me up. Altogether ...
Just landed. No baggage to claim. Plane only half full. Got a window seat with no one next to me. And steff is picking me up. Altogether ...
Flying out of seatac for slc
In reply to:@steffROCK i want to go bowling when i'm in the motherfucking s.l.c.
In reply to:@elisfanclub i was surprised. it was awesome.
In reply to:@elisfanclub Look at you, rockstar!
At first glance, Sinatra (ruby web dev, Sinatra. not that old singer guy) looks pretty cool. http://sinatra.rubyforge.org/
In reply to:@elisfanclub what is condition 1 and 2?
In reply to:@tjnelsonjr i once had a whole wall of of various old macs mainly all in ones. but i got tired of moving them from house to house. had to go
In reply to:@elisfanclub you want to use friends' not friend's in the first paragraph
In reply to:@evanphx you should post your rubyconf slides to the interwebs.
One week at new job complete. I started the day before launch. It was weird / fun / awesome. i'm starting to get settled in.
In reply to:@wrmNfuzzy what is the gala?