I’m an art school drop out.
Remember, kids.
Everyone is terrible and will always let you down.
I finally found where to by the JavaScripts in the Los Angeles area! @ Malibu J's http://instagram.com/p/yEQVuYMnie/
My ode to my favorite instagram account, relativeplanes. #relativeplanes @ Santa Monica State Beach Park http://instagram.com/p/yEIwXhsnr_/
In reply to:@ronenv There's a wizarding community?
RT @cnni: Noam Chomsky: #CharlieHebdo massacre was a terror attack -- but so is Obama's drone campaign: http://cnn.it/1CcR4ux http://t.co/…
A reminder that if you haven’t read “Assata: An Autobiography” by Assata Shakur, you really should.
RT @spokenELLE: Saving these signs for my children. #Dream4Justice #ReclaimMLK #BlackLivesMatter http://t.co/sluY540WjJ
In reply to:@pete_higgins Thanks!
Holy shit. A different, weird, new (to me) way to beat Super Mario Bros 3.
/via @n8duke
Uber, but for a little squeegee to get the last BBQ sauce out of the bottle.
RT @A_single_bear: I really hope trees get to be ghosts.
In reply to:@ckraybill Thanks!
In reply to:@ashedryden @alterconf
Have you met @arieljalali and @crystalrose of @sensay?
Or @deadprogram of @hybrid_group?
Or @gophilosophie folks?
RT @Horse_ebooks: Unfortunately, as you probably already know, people