“Real Mean (live)” by RVIVR is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/veganstraightedge/_9hjwpai
/by @n8duke http://instagram.com/p/xr7O8Zsnqv/
“The Invasion of America”
/via @kottke
Scroll slow.
Have fun.http://www.scrollslowhavefun.com
/via @waxpancake
In reply to:@timbray Thanks.
Sometimes to launch big things you have to stay in on the weekend and work hard.
In reply to:@veganstraightedge
For example,
</entry>In an Atom feed, can an <entry> have multiple <author> tags?
/cc @timbray
In reply to:@seanbonner @themagfields A girl put this on a mixtape for me in high school. It was pretty fantastic.
RT @seanbonner: “100,000 Fireflies” by The Magnetic Fields (@TheMagFields) is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/seanbonner/_9hgxowm
In reply to:@seanbonner Ladykillers. 😍
Fuck yes or no, right?
RT @michaelvillar: Open https://www.youtube.com/account_playback and uncheck everything. You're welcome.
In reply to:@michaelvillar @olivierlacan THANK YOU!
In reply to:@onthejumbotron And liberating.