“Maps” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs (@YYYs) is my new jam. Listen: http://t.thisismyjam.com/veganstraightedge/_9f82uua
In reply to:
@arieljalali Apparently, Mohawk Bend is doing a vegan chinese food and movie night thing tonight.
In reply to:@arieljalali I know fuck all about GF anything, but Kung Pao Bistro in WeHo by Whole Foods is real good.
In reply to:@seanbonner @wilw My neighbor brought me elephant ears to eat. Same same, but different.
Any LA orphans want to get Chinese tonight with me?
RT @BatmanNewsCom: RT if you agree that 'Batman Returns' is the greatest Christmas movie of all time! http://t.co/6AWi1KU6Pv
In reply to:@jasonsantamaria Stacks on stacks on stacks on stacks.
In reply to:@barisbalic I was thinking “debiggen” too.
What’s the antonym of “embiggen”?
RT @steveklabnik: "the “good cop” you may meet on the beat provides crucial public-relations cover for the brutal work that needs to be don…
In reply to:@dnsimple There it is! Thanks.
@dnsimple Can I register .club domains though the site?
In reply to:@ioerror Same same.
Best lightsaber analysis.
/by @stephenathome
RT @crimethinc: Beyond Whistleblowing: The limits of whistleblowing as strategy, & what comes next #Snowden http://cwc.im/whistleblowing http://t…