Turns out that The Colbert Report was just one really long special report from a correspondent on The Daily Show.
RT @seanbonner: Verified. http://t.co/v2T48BNFr0
RT @TranquilMammoth: The Deviant History of the Snowman ⛄️ http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/winters-effigies-the-deviant-history-of-the-snowman
RT @BrianDominick: Assata vs. Posada: A case study in US hypocrisy http://radicalreboot.tumblr.com/post/105622687776/assata-vs-posada-a-case-study-in-u-s-hypocrisy http://t.co/ZsykpE8ZZL
In reply to:@olivierlacan no. But maybe should.
RT @OaklandElle: All I want for Christmas is the D...
...estruction of capitalist society and all the systems of oppression that come with…
In reply to:@machikoyasuda anytime
Does your neighbor give you cherimoyas when you give him avocados? Because mine does. :D
In reply to:@alex_frostwolf Omigosh. You're so lucky that you're getting to read it for the first time. It's so good.
RT @OaklandElle: #WorstDateIn5Words
He was an anarcho-capitalist.
In reply to:@evanphx @brynary I'm playing Price is Right strategy. :D
In reply to:@amateurhuman 10 Lists with Ideas for Making Lists in 2015!
In reply to:@brynary @codeclimate 17.
In reply to:Not to mention all of the post @thedailyshow solo careers.
In reply to:.@thedailyshow begat @StephenAtHome and @LastWeekTonight.
@thisamerlife begat @planetmoney & @serial.
@planetmoney begat @podcaststartup.