For like ever, the catholic church has opposed:
- birth control
- contraception
- abortion
- divorce
- homosexuality
- evolution
- sex ed
For like ever, the catholic church has opposed:
- birth control
- contraception
- abortion
- divorce
- homosexuality
- evolution
- sex ed
You don't get to pick and choose from the catholic church doctrine and dogma. This isn't cafeteria lunch.
It's all or nothing.
Catholics who in 2014 are still buying this shit sandwich from their church can also go fuck off.
The catholic church, this pope and all past/future popes, can go fuck off.
So, either 265 popes got the message from god wrong about evolution (and you know, everything) or god changed the story to the this pope.
The catholic church has the ruined lives of, imprisoned, tortured and killed people for the audacity of doing science.
This pope only knows about evolution because of the science done by people who were fought tooth and nail by the church.
And in the process of changing the official church dogma to finally kind of catch up with common fucking sense, he's diminished their god.
This is one of the many problems with religion. When you explain unknowns with the magical hand of the gods, eventually science proves out.
And now this pope comes along and is like "hey guys, evolution is prolly ok by me (and therefore by god)" and we're supposed to what? Swoon?
Every pope (who btw was quote unquote infallible voice of god) said that Genesis is literal and evolution is a crock.
Second place.
Dodgeball finals!
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