1. RT @nowthisnews: Combatting online harassment across social media. An op-ed original from @CarolineSinders

    RT @carllerche: I'm currently a free agent and looking for contract work. If you need any help w/ scaling your app or anything else ping me…

    RT @ioerror: The story and fight behind Nick Merrill's #NSL from the #FBI is absolute madness: https://www.law.yale.edu/yls-today/news/gag-order-lifted-nicholas-merrill-through-mfia-clinic-case-win

    RT @ioerror: Finally after ELEVEN YEARS @calyxinstitute's Nick Merrill is free to speak about his FBI NSL legal travesty: https://t.co/dLXw…

    RT @annalist: "Astonishing story...about Rojava, a Kurdish region in Northern Syria that’s ruled by militant feminist anarchists." https://…