Is there a way in Heroku land to configure an app to `rake db:migrate` on every push?
Of course this culture made a machine that destroys anything.
All of the beautiful trees.
Noam Chomsky's reaction to the death of Osama bin Laden in 2011.
iPhone in 1993.
iPhone in 2013.Same same, but different.
In reply to:@aeden great!
In reply to:@lindseybieda milk crates also work well and can be found in large stacks behind certain buildings.
RT @chrismessina: Collecting your personal data today is like starting to collect baseball cards In 1919. #justsaying #honuswagner #datacap…
In reply to:@DougMcInnes amazing!
In reply to:@aeden (going through old faves) did anything ever come of this?
🎶 I am your singing telegram! 🔫
Rubygems and Bundler are now using the same resolver!
Thanks to the people who make the infrastructures work!
“Everything You Need to Know About Planet Earth”
(Look out for the Tardis and the Secret Dinosaur Society cameos.)
In reply to:@stoya Whoa. I hadn't even noticed that yet.
Dear witchy and werewolfy friends,
My friends @sailorhg and @indirect made an iOS app for you. Go buy it! ❤️