Total photogasm :
In reply to:
@atarigeek i miss when just going to a show was exciting. i miss when kids ran the spaces. i miss the hangout b4 shows. i miss xbirthrightx.
In reply to:@kateburge not even close.
In reply to:@tenderlove happy birthday, dude. way to not die for a whole year!
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>I bought 4 tickets for the last showing (Dec 23rd) of <a href="">Land of the Sweets: The Burlesque Nutcracker</a> anticipating that I could find friends to go with me. But everyone is out of town or working or otherwise unavailable. So I'm turning to you, interwebs.</p> <p>If you want to go with me and live in Seattle or can come to Seattle on Dec 23rd, <a href="">email me</a> or DM me on <a href="">twitter</a>. The show is great fun. They serve food. It's a dress up, classy kind of event.</p> <p>Srsly, I don't want these tickets to go to waste.</p> <iframe src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>