TextMate tips: Forward delete to the end of the line: CTRL - K. Select whole line from anywhere in the line: CMD - SHIFT - L.
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>I really love <a href="http://www.red-sweater.com/marsedit/" title="MarsEdit 2 - Powerful Blog Publishing For Your Mac">MarsEdit</a>. I wouldn't blog <em>nearly</em> as often as I do (which isn't <em>nearly</em> as often as I'd like) if I had to do it all through the <a href="http://wordpress.com/" title="WordPress.com » Get a Free Blog Here">WordPress</a> web interface (which is better than most)*. But I've always been unhappy with the default template for posting a quote from another site via the bookmarklet. I would usually rewrite it myself by hand each time. Sometimes I repeat myself waaay too many times before tricking out some tool to automate for me.</p> <p>So while setting up another blog for a different project, I was finally pushed to scratch this itch. It was super easy. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. I added a bit of semantics to be a better web citizen (or whatever). Unfortunately, some of bits don't work from the bookmarklet, but do from "Post to Weblog" from <a href="http://www.newsgator.com/Individuals/NetNewsWire/" title="Mac RSS Reader – News Reader for Apple - NetNewsWire by NewsGator">NetNewsWire</a>. So here it is. If you like it, use it. Or don't.</p>
<p><cite><a href="#url#">#sourceName#</a></cite> said:</p> <blockquote cite="#url#"> <p><a href="#sourceHomeURL#">#sourceName#</a></p> <p> #body# </p> </blockquote> <p> COMMENTS-ABOUT-IT </p>
<p>* - How's that for a run on sentence?</p>
I am amazed at the number of people who work for a web based company and have no clue about how things work on the web.
Parsing BAD copywriting: Use consistent caps. End list items w/ punctuation or don't. Not both. Don't close your eyes & litter commas about.
iPhoto thinks my external firewire hard drive is a digital camera. It is wrong.