1. <p>There was a comic book artist name <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth_Fisher" title="Seth Fisher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia">Seth Fisher</a> whose art was amazing and unique. He died unexpectedly at a young age in 2006. Since then I've been meaning to get around to collecting up all of his relatively small body of work. In the past couple years I've moved away from singles into the world of just collected editions (trade paperback, hardcovers, graphic novels, etc.). So it was frustrating trying to figure out where all of his singles would fit into my library. The other day I decided that I would do what I saw some other kid do this year at <a href="http://www.emeraldcitycomicon.com/" title="Emerald City ComiCon">Emerald City Con</a>: bind all of the singles into a collection myself. (The kid I saw do it at Emerald City had all the of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grendel_%28comics%29" title="Grendel (comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia">Grendel</a> single issues bound into this huge tome in Grendel chronological order, not publication order.)</p>
    <p>So here's his complete known published body of work. Well, he also designed 'hub' for Myst III: Exile, but I can't really bind that into a book, now can I?</p>
    <p>I also know of at least one pinup he did in the back of one of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_ity" title="The ity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia">The ity</a> trades. I'll have to decide what length I'll go to get ALL of his published work. Hmm... If you know of anything not on this list that he did (however big or small) let me know.</p>
      <li>Happydale, Devils in the Desert #1-2 (written by Andrew Dabb &amp; Seth Fisher; DC, Vertigo, 1999)</li>
      <li>Green Lantern: Will World, (written by J.M. DeMatteis; DC, 2001), ISBN 1563897822</li>
      <li>Zendra #5, cover only (written by Stuart Moore; Penny Farthing Press, 2001)</li>
      <li>Flash: Time Flies, (written by John Rozum; DC, 2002)</li>
      <li>Doom Patrol #13-14 (written by John Arcudi; DC, 2002)</li>
      <li>Vertigo Pop! Tokyo #1-4 (written by Jonathan Vankin; DC, Vertigo, 2002)</li>
      <li>Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, #192-196 (written by Dan Curtis Johnson and J.H. Williams; DC, 2005), collected as Batman: Snow, (DC, 2007), ISBN 1401212654</li>
      <li>Spider-man Unlimited Vol #3, #8 (written by Joe Hill; Marvel, 2005); reprinted in Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big in Japan, (Marvel, 2006), ISBN 0785117768</li>
      <li>Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big in Japan #1-4 (written by Zeb Wells; Marvel, 2006); collected as Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big in Japan, (Marvel, 2006), ISBN 0785117768</li>
      <li>Grave Tales #6 “Freddy Wertham Goes to Hell” (by Joe Hill, Seth: layouts, Langdon Foss: pencils and inks)</li>
    <h4>Story Illustration</h4>
      <li>The Big Book of Vice (DC Comics, 1998)</li>
      <li>The Big Book of Grimm, "The Devil's Smelly Brother" (4 pages) (DC Comics, 1999)</li>
      <li>The Big Book of 70s (DC Comics, 2000)</li>
    <h4>Book illustration</h4>
      <li>Build your own Backpack Alarm, illustrations only (written by Shar Levine &amp; Leslie Johnstone; Becker &amp; Mayer, 2006)</li>
    <h4>Children's Books</h4>
      <li>Bob's Amazing Life (written and illustrated by Seth)</li>
      <li>Cover illustration for Busted! (Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, February 2000)</li>
    the pinup is of the doctor and a wacky cityscape behind him in the back of The Absolute ity volume 2.
    For what it's worth, the story he did in the Big Book of Vice was the one on Smoking, and the story he did in the Big Book of the 70's was the one on Disco.
    Yup, that’s the list as far as I know it.
    If you find out which issue of ity Seth did a pinup for please post it. It may be that it was just in one of the bound/collections type things.
    DC should also be collecting the Vertigo Pop (Seth’s Tokyo along with the Bangkok, together) sometime this year. They recently contacted Seth’s mom for reprint rights.
    Good luck with your collection!
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/2203694299/" title="photo sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2106/2203694299_a81969972c.jpg" class="flickr-photo" alt=""></a>
    <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/2203694299/">emily and penguin cup</a>, originally uploaded by <a href="http://www.flickr.com/people/veganstraightedge/">veganstraightedge</a>.</p>
    <p class="flickr-yourcomment">
      cute cute cute