sending pictures from phone to tmobile (gross) just to re-download then upload to flickr. unfortunately, a bunch are 176x132. boo.
Posted by Shane Becker on
<p>I'm going to hitchhiking down the west coast from Seattle, WA to San Diego, CA for ComicCon this year again. And what I mean by 'this year' is Tuesday. I've always wanted to be able to post real-time-ish updates from the road on trips like these. Normally, I take notes along the way (usually at night after the day has gone by and I've forgotten things), then try to blog them as I can. I never follow through though. I did this with my <a href="">Seattle</a> <a href="">trip</a> for the <a href="">Trial</a> <a href="">reunion</a> <a href="">show</a> and my <a href="">RailsConf</a> posts.</p> <p>So... this time ima try something different (and by the way, I had a dream about this in my sleep one morning waking up with the idea to do it this way). I will post little <a href="" title="Twitter">Twitter</a> tweets with my progress reports of rides and towns and stories and characters and the what-nots and the who-whos.</p> <p>If you care to follow along there are three ways to do so:</p> <ol> <li>To the right of the body content on my blog here under the heading "My Twitter Tweets" will be the most recent 10 in reverse order</li> <li><a href="" title="Twitter / veganstraightedge">My Twitter Page</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Twitter / shaners">My Twitter Feed</a></li> </ol> <p>There you have it.</p>
Going to get emulsion for peepcode screens. The pink is pretty.
packing for hitchhiking to comiccon
In reply to:@hasmanyjosh check out "The Escapist" next.