1. <p><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/158927982/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/55/158927982_ca8166d674_m.jpg" alt="ant nest excavation"></a></p>
    <p>Full <a href="http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-document&amp;doi=10.1672%2F1536-2442%282004%29004%5B0001%3ATNAOTF%5D2.0.CO%3B2#toclink6">study and photo/chart gallery</a> is available to read. WARNING: it is loooooong.</p>
    <p>i ran across this on <a href="http://www.thinkvitamin.com/">vitamin</a>'s <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/vnews" rel="rss">news feed</a>. its a <a href="http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/safari/">safari</a> input manager implementing <a href="http://tidy.sourceforge.net/">tidy</a>. it does a few specific task really well. if you know me at all, you know i like that kind of thing.</p>
    <h3>errors and warnings in the status bar (aka footer):</h3>
      <img src="http://www.zappatic.net/safaritidy/img/err.png" alt="errors">
      <img src="http://www.zappatic.net/safaritidy/img/war.png" alt="warnings">
      <img src="http://www.zappatic.net/safaritidy/img/ok.png" alt="ok">
    <h3>error and warning details in source view:</h3>
    <p><img src="http://www.zappatic.net/safaritidy/img/detail.png" alt="details"></p>
    <p>you can <a href="http://www.zappatic.net/safaritidy/download.html">download</a> it here from zappatic.net.</p>
    <p>more useful <a href="http://www.hicksdesign.co.uk/journal/web-development-with-safari" rel="bookmark">safari web development</a> tips can be found over at hicksdesign.</p>
    <p><cite>Dave Cerebrum</cite> wrote:</p>
    <blockquote cite="http://home.uchicago.edu/%7Edavep/fightclub">
      <p>Time flows from left to right (at the end of each row it skips to the beginning of the next row). Movement up or down indicates character movement. Height indicates intensity (clearer in later pictures) Red - Chapter divisions, Blue - Narrator, White - Tyler Durden, Light Green - Space Monkeys/Project Mayhem...</p>
      <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/158913878/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/52/158913878_2ff642ede8_o.jpg" alt="fight club 3D plot graphs of movies in LEGO (showing height)"></a><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/veganstraightedge/158913864/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/62/158913864_cd2e580cb8_o.jpg" alt="fight club 3D plot graphs of movies in LEGO (first half)"></a>
    <p>(Via <a href="http://www.makezine.com/blog/archive/2006/6/3d_plot_graphs_of_movies_in_le.html?CMP=OTC-0D6B48984890">makezine blog</a>.)</p>
    <p><cite>The Onion</cite> wrote:</p>
    <blockquote cite="http://www.theonion.com/content/node/48972">
      <p>The Al Gore-produced global-warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth is being panned by critics nationwide who claim the 90-plus minute environmental film is "too disturbingly realistic and well-researched to enjoy." "I found it difficult to suspend my disbelief in man-made climate change for the first half-hour - and utterly impossible after that -  which makes for a movie-going experience that's far more educational than it is enjoyable," said New York Post film critic Skip Hack.</p>
    <p>oh onion, you so crazy.</p>
    <p>(Via <a href="http://www.theonion.com/content/node/48972">Critics Blast Al Gore's Documentary As 'Realistic'</a>.)</p>
    <p><cite>John Harwood</cite> wrote:</p>
    <blockquote cite="http://www.crnc.org/index.php?content=beach">
      <p>Stage an event like this one to grab the attention of your campus and raise awareness on the falsities of the global warming phenomenon.  Engage with students and debunk some of the myths and cool the hyperbole surrounding the issue.</p>
    <p>Sometimes you think its a joke, but then it turns out to be real.</p>
    <p>(Via <a href="http://www.crnc.org/index.php?content=beach">College Republican National Committee Run a “Global Cooling” Snow Cone Stand</a>.)</p>