Posted by Shane Becker on
Aaron Patterson is a super rad dude.

He loves mushroom hunting. His pointy stick of choice is vim. He speaks Japanese. He hangs out with Eric Hodel, Ryan Davis and John Barnette at Seattle.rb all the time. He eats weird food. He lives in sunny Seattle, Washington in these United States of America.

He writes awesomely awesome Ruby software, like Nokogiri, Mechanize and Johnson. He’s a core contributor to Ruby, Rails and the SQLite gem. And he’s made some software that’s, uh… more differently awesome? He even has a double mustache which might be turning into a triple mustache.
Aaron does lots of good for the Ruby community. One time at RubyConf he got everyone of the attendees a Poken. How cool is that? Recently, Chad and Kelly Jeanne Fowler gave him the gift of a box of Twinkies, just for being so great. Really, who doesn’t love Aaron Patterson? If you don’t know the guy, you should make an effort to meet him. He’s aces.
But Aaron has a problem. There’s only one of him. He has lots of ideas for useful, totally bodacious libraries that he’d like to write, but doesn’t have time to do them all. He needs an intern. Finding an intern takes time and effort though. So, I’m helping him by sussing out a great intern.
Intern Requirements
You want to do this. Trust me. It’ll be the best thing for your career, clothing style and love life. You’d get mentorship from Aaron, design and code reviews, and many, many Knowledge Bombs™. You don’t have to be in Seattle, but it’d be an extra bonus. Remote totally works, too. You need to be a Ruby programmer. You need to not be a total newb. You must having a willingness to learn, take direction and be receptive to feedback. It wouldn’t hurt if you think funny hats are funny.
If you’re interested and you’ve got what it takes to be @tenderlove’s trusty sidekick, email me ( or toot at me (@veganstraightedge). Include your blog, Twitter and GitHub URLs.