I’ve been meaning to enable HTTPS for my personal site (and all of my others sites too) for some time now. It was always a pain in the ass or the spectre of a pain in the spectre of the ass. And not inexpensive.

Today, I finally did it. It was fairly painless and I’d like to document my process. Hopefully this helps somone in the future (including Future Me).

The three pieces that I care about working together well are: Heroku, LetsEncrypt and DNSimple.

Googling for setting up HTTPS using Heroku + LetsEncrypt + DNSimple didn’t much help.

Results were complicated, out of date, incomplete, or only about some combination of those three pieces, but not about all three of them together.

This was my experience on 2016–11–17. If you follow along with me, your mileage may vary. If you come across this post way after the publish date and these steps are wildy obsolete and you want to update them, please email me.

During the time since I’ve been wanting to enable HTTPS and finally got around to doing it today, Heroku made their HTTPS offering both free and much each easier, and DNSimple added a simple integration with LetsEncrypt. LetsEncrypt is totally free, so the expense of it was no longer part of the deterrant.


LetsEncrypt is the certificate authority in this setup. They exist. They do stuff. But for the sake of my experience, I did not interact with LetsEncrypt directly at all. (And I think that’s part of their goal, to be this piece of infrastructure that you use indirectly at a higher level, like say via your DNS provider.)


DNSimple is a DNS provider. They don’t host websites or database or anything like that. They make DNS management for my websites dead simple. Google Apps setup, one click. GitHub Pages, Heroku, AWS, one click.

At their core though, like all DNS providers, they connect a domain name, like example.com, to the computer where that website is served from, like an IP address or another domain name. Like, say, over on Heroku.


I host all of my apps/site that are built with Ruby on Rails on Heroku. You can also host apps built in other languages and frameworks on Heroku. They’re a “Platform as a Service”. What that means for me, is that I focus on building my app in Rails and not worrying about how to install and scale up/down my Postgres database or whatever.

Heroku provides free HTTPS by default for all apps at their *.herokuapp.com subdomain. But that doesn’t help me in this case, because part of #indieweb ethos is to own your domain.


I use example.com all through this post. Any where I use example.com, you should change that to your actual domain. For example, my actual domain was veganstraightedge.com. Good luck!

1. Heroku: Use a Paid Dyno

SSL stuff is built in now for all non-free dynos (Heroku’s word for a vm, roughly). Alternately, I think you can use the paid $20/month SSL add-on with free dynos. I can imagine that going away. And either way, it’s net cheaper to pay $7/month for a Hobby dyno and get free SSL.

To migrate your free dyno to a paid dyno (Hobby tier, in this case), you can use this command on the terminal.


heroku dyno:type free --app YOUR_APP_NAME

OR you can do this through the web interface in your Heroku dashboard.


2. DNSimple: Create Certs

You need to acquire the actual certs now. Go to your domain in DNSimple. Then click on SSL Certificates. You’ll be on a URL that looks like:


Then click on Acquire an SSL Certificate which will take you to:


Click on Continue under Let's Encrypt, taking you to:


Click the Automatically auto-renew the certificate check box.

Click Create certificate order.

On the confirmation page, click Confirm and request certificate.

Then, wait for the email. It “generally takes 30 minutes”.

3. DNSimple: Download Certs

From the email with the subject of:

SSL certificate www.exampl.com is issued

Click on the like to the certificate page, taking you to a URL that looks like:


Click Install the SSL Certificate.

Expand Heroku section.

Save the certificate bundle to your computer by clicking Download www_rabbleconf_com.pem.

Download the certificate private key by clicking on Download www_rabbleconf_com.key

Right now, before doing anything else, make backups! Copy them to a USB stick (that you trust), a backup hard-drive, whatever. Just put them somewhere else too.

4. Heroku: Add or Update Certs

These are the instructions Heroku CLI commands to run to add new or update existing certs, as copied from the DNSimple docs.

Install or Update the certificate on Heroku.

Run the Heroku certs:add command to install the certificate:

heroku certs:add www_example_com.pem www_example_com.key

If you are updating an existing certificate, for example in case of renewal, run the Heroku certs:update command to replace the existing certificate:

heroku certs:update www_example_com.pem www_example_com.key

If you had previously been using the legacy SSL Endpoint add-on, you will need to follow additional steps to upgrade to the new Heroku SSL system.

Check the certificate at Heroku.

Run the Heroku certs command to check the certificate:

heroku certs

All commands above assume that you’re running them from the directly that the Heroku app is in (has a git remote of heroku) and that the keys are also in that directory. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR KEYS IN THIS DIRECTORY AND ACCIDENTALLY git commit THEM.

If you are running these commands from some directory other than where the Heroku app is, you need to append --app appname to each command (where appname is the name of your Heroku app, which you can get by heroku info from the app directory) to tell Heroku which app to apply the commands to.

5. Local: Move Your Keys

Add all of this is done and you have confirmed that your new certs are in your Heroku app, move your keys to someplace safe. Your public key is fine to share publicly. It’s meant to be, actually. But your private key should be treated like a password, shared with no one and protected at all costs. If it leaks out, or if you think that it could’ve leaked out, you need to go through the steps to issue a new private/public key pair and update your Heroku certs.

6. Heroku: Add example.com and www.example.com to App

Heroku needs to know which domains your app should respond to. It can be one or many. It doesn’t matter. Personally, I prefer the naked or root or Apex domain as the canonical URL.

example.com instead of www.example.com.

I like to redirect all www.example.com requests to example.com. In order to do this, Heroku needs to have both example.com and www.example.com added to your app. It’s easy to do.

Run these two commands from your Heroku app directory.

heroku domains:add example.com
heroku domains:add www.example.com

Instead of example.com in the above commands, you’ll want to use your actual domain.

7. DNSimple: Use the Heroku Service

Meanwhile, back at DNSimple, you need to hook up the Heroku services to your domain.

First, find and click on your domain in your list of domains (or search for it in the search field). You’ll end up at a URL that looks something like.


Instead of ID, there will be a number that represents your user ID at DNSimple. It’s not important to know what it is, but mine will be different that yours.

In the sidebar, click DNS.

That’ll take your to a URL like:


From there, under One click services, click Manage services.

Click the Infrastructure tab.

Find, Heroku in the list.

Click the + Add to add the Heroku service to your domain.

When prompted, enter your Heroku app’s name. (Again, that can be found by running heroku info from your Heroku app’s directory.)

Click Complete Heroku setup.

Now, you need to do that process again to add the Heroku SSL service to your domain.

Click the Infrastructure tab.

Find, Heroku SSL in the list.

Click the + Add to add the Heroku service to your domain.

When prompted, enter your Heroku app’s name. (Again, that can be found by running heroku info from your Heroku app’s directory.)

Click Complete Heroku setup.

8. Wait to Propagate

So… in theory, you’re done.

In practice, you might have to wait some indetermined amount of time for the DNS to propagate all over the internet, because reasons. But at this point, you can test.

Go to https://example.com. If you get your expected website, great! You did it!

Now, test the www to see if the redirect is working. Go to https://www.example.com. If you get redirected to https://example.com and you get your expected website, great! You did it again!

If not, you might just have to wait. You might also have to debug to find possible mistakes made along the way. Maybe you mistyped something along the wait. Double triple check everything on Heroku and DNSimple to make sure it’s what is expected. And make sure you didn’t copy paste example.com instead of your actual domain.

That’s it! Or at least, it was for me. I hope it goes well for you too. Best of luck!