Today's harvest from a friends' deck garden boxes (before the first frost hits): heaps of cherry…
In reply to:
@sarahtgold @harryhalpin @blaine Is there any video of this?
In reply to:@gesa It's a good one!
This `ghi` bug from 2014-12 got fixed!
Now I can finally use it again. It's a GitHub Issues CLI. Get into it.
I still couldn't care less about quoteunquote Edge Day quoteunquote.
The @Cubs made a lot of mistakes tonight.
In reply to:@JesseThorn very coop.
Anyone have 2 Cubs/Mets tickets for tomorrow night that you wanna give to me and @mofo37?
Dear @backblaze,
220,170 MB is a weird unit of measure to use. Maybe consider GB when it gets to that size.
<3 Sb
The water.
#LittleMisadventureTime @ Salem Willows
Old timey baseball in th town that killed the “witches”.
Providence Grays vs Brooklyn Atlantic.…
Guinness the dog, creeping.
#LittleMisadventureTime @ Downtown Salem District
In reply to:It's always great meeting internet friends AFK for the first time.
We had dinner with a fellow vegan #indieweb friend, @rhiaro.
#LittleMisadventureTime portraits : @rhiaro. @ Boston, Massachusetts
Pressert shakes and float with @mofo37 and @rhiaro.
#LittleMisadventureTime @ Veggie Galaxy