Orange popsicle for breakfast at 1AM? Sure. It must be summer time.
New out going voice mail message. Get into it.
Late late night Sequence is so loopy and silly. Lots of nonsense.
This cat was on the roof of @tjnelsonjr's house. Then adopted the van and hung out with me.
@elisfanclub it actually happens twice a century: midnight and noon. Der.
About to interview Kenny & Cara at/about the Visual Art Institue in SLC during these economic dark times. It's an old elementrary school.
1 hour later, that yak is adequately shaved. Now, what was I doing? has all kinds of awesome Americana must see attractions. I'll be going to most of them. :D
Last Day Dream : Months later, still incredible.
In reply to:@xacrox tweetie. hands down.
♪ "Carry me back to the city. I don't need no place to sleep. We are warriors, the great exploriers." ♪
@elisfanclub They're actually prolly thinking "Rhino go kart slam dunk squirrel happy run? That doesn't make one lick of sense, human!"
The van show was a total hit. My heart beats in 2/4. With whoas.
Show in a Van is killing. We win.
Show in a Van is prolly the best thing evar. 15 filthy anarchist punks inside. 2 on top. Bands up front.