The fucking cops broke up tall bike joust after one bout.
In reply to:
@n8duke fucking knock it off already. sheesh.
The Now (starring Crystal and my MacBook Pro) : Fri Jul 03 20:12:13 -0600 2009
In reply to:Yes, @n8duke. I got a reversed ambulance style magnet for the van front so it reads correctly in a rear view mirror.
Panda attacks knight with rainbow breath plus spread arms :
My van just leveled up. Now with @twitter URL magnets.
I just bought 2 pairs of ear goggles at an estate sale for $3. I've wanted some to wear to shows forever.
:named_scope really is the hottness.
Late night nerd sesh at the 308 L apt. @tjnelsonjr: video editing. Kenny & Cara: art stuff. Me: Client codez.
In reply to:@plasticbagUK I have the 13" MacBook Pro and I love love love it. I do quite a bit of design work and codez writing. No complaints.
In reply to:@n8duke why are you so broken?
In reply to:@k_tron i think kickball is prolly not happening. sad face.
FAQ about the Transformers 2 movie. (via @arielwaldman) this movie sounds fucking horrible.
XHTML 2 is dead. Good riddance.
I'm still looking fo an invitation to Anyone? Anyone? Is this thing on?