It's funny going from The Unicorns to Undertow in the iTunes cleanup.
Currently rocking "Memento Mori" by Culture. "Hunters will be hunted. Blood spilled for blood."
Best IE6 Error Page Evar (via @daringfireball)
In reply to:@courtneyriot sayings to use: "buy low, sell high" "busting moves and breaking hearts" "less than three" "tip your waitress. they work hard"
In reply to:@elisfanclub so really it cost $1.125 each way and you only pay in one direction.
The illustration on the Pioneer plaque :
from present is our future :
At Fern Hill Park. @civthedog: 0. Squirrels: 1.
1899 Fixie Tricks :
6 Extraordinarily Stubborn 'Nail Houses' :
(via @kottkedotorg)X-Wing car : (via @tjnelsonjr)
Day 4 is looking a lot like Day 3. Taking @civthedog to a park and doing nerd road trip prep work.
Last night I watched Party Down season one and wrote lots of rails codez. Today is dog park with @puremox.
Is it just me or are all of @rubyforge's mirrors down right now?
In reply to: via @SamiNummi: <table> for layout, <imgs> for text, spacer.gifs, align="center", <p> </p>, etc. Markup Fail.