"Spanish is 'Como estas'. That's nothing you eat. We're doing business here." http://bit.ly/G6DgZ
"You know what he did? He kicked him in the penith." http://bit.ly/hnzH2
I've probably sneezed one million times today.
I have music in my iTunes library bought on others' iTunes account, unauthorized, unlistened to for YEARS. Wrong.
Picture at the Space Needle in mid-May with @rubywhatever, @elisfanclub, @crystal_danger : http://flic.kr/p/6wveuJ
In reply to:@gregbennick Congrats on the NPR interview. Both of those shows are great.
"Never underestimate the power of a big gold friend"
New Surprise Banksy Exhibit : http://bit.ly/2deasC (via @scottbeibin)Just ran around Fern Hill Park with @civthedog. She's gonna end up being the real star of the show.
Fern Hill Park, NE Portland, OR
Day 3 breakfast: 1 orange. 1 banana. 1 bowl of cream of wheat stuff with cashews, bananas and strawberries. Made by @isadance.
Day 2 was nice and uneventful. 3 mile walk with @isadance, @n8duke and @civthedog. Then some nerd work prepping for trip.
At the @n8duke / @isadance house in NE Portland, OR.
Lots of the music that got chopped / is on the chopping block is bad hip hop or hardcore comps. So much bad. Where did this even come from?
you're right, @hasmanyjosh. i do kinda have the mp3 equivalent of an eating disorder. binge. purge. repeat.
Yesterday I got my iTunes library down to 82gb. I have 16gb (9 days worth) "on the bubble" that's getting sorted out now. Out of control.